Spring Forward

This time change has been one heck of a roller coaster leaving most of the people I have encountered begging for that hour back. What a difference an hour makes! Despite the fact that we know that it is coming, it doesn’t make it any easier year after year to “lose” that hour in our day. The day seems longer and the nights seem so much shorter but, the reality is that it is all in our heads. We still have the same 24 hours that we had before and, ultimately, it is up to us how we decide to take advantage of them.

Which had me thinking and reflecting (you guys know I am ALWAYS reflecting, so this is nothing new) why not use this shift to do exactly what it indicates. Why not just freaking SPRING FORWARD?! Originally, I was approaching 2017 by setting quarterly goals (that I have been smashing by the way) with reassessment as needed, which is still the approach that I am taking as it relates to my business and my brand. However, as it relates to my mind, body, and soul I am learning to listen to God first and foremost but also being aware of what my body is needing and what my mind is needing to “let go” of. Sometimes, those things can’t be restricted to quarterly checkups. In fact, I have been making it a daily practice to check in with myself and open myself up to new ways of thinking and focusing on self-care,

Part of that included a major detox that was prompted by the time change and when I say major I mean MAJOR. I deep cleaned my entire house, like getting on your hands and knees cleaning baseboards and all that good stuff! I cleansed my aura and my space by smudging sage in every doorway and corner of my space and the hardest thing was going through everything in my closet and literally throwing away everything that I have not worn in the last 365 days and by everything I mean EVERYTHING. This helped me to realize that a majority of my clothes were BP (Before Peyton) and that I really needed a fashion facelift because not only am I no where near the same size I was before or during my pregnancy but, even more so, I am NOT in any way, shape, or form the same person.

Fitness clothes are my norm and last year I got an amazing Elixir Jumpsuit from Prana and basically fell in love with the brand that is known for their amazing yoga gear and accessories. But, their spring line is offering a little bit more and I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to try out a couple of items. Since I would describe my look (if I had one) as athleisure or minimalist (mostly because I am not a fan of being all covered up. Lol.) I was super impressed with the Annexi pants and Liana sweater that is debuting in the spring line and is available in so many different colors, which is why I will be purchasing it in all the colors. Not only are the clothes super cute, but they are also really comfortable and they pretty much have something for everyone regardless of your personal style. I definitely think that you guys should check it out and if you find some things you like( which I know you will) you can use code S4P17FXB to get 15% off of all of your purchases through March 28, 2017.


What do you guys do to “spring forward” when you are feeling like you need a fresh start or perspective? Hopefully everyone doesn’t throw out all of their clothes like me because that can get a little pricey! Lol

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